On a cold day in March, at the beach in Fuengirola our Enviro buggy was presented to costumers.
We had the pleasure to show how fast the Enviro Buggy removes cans, peaces of plastic and cigarett butts from the sand without making any damage to the environment.

In the start of January 2022 will the first Electric Beach Vacumcleaner be presented at Playa La Malequeta in Malaga.
The vacumcleaner will be able to remove small plastic parts, cigarett butts and microplastic from the beach.
We are looking forward to show all of you our Enviro Buggy.

We are now able to deliver mobile pyrolysis plants which can be placed e.a. at riversides. Mobile pyrolysis plants are self driven and are able to convert waste plastic to re-cycled oil.
Only one company in the world produce a beach vacumcleaner which is able to pick up small plastic particles like microplast, cigarette butts and other small particles from the beach. This South African company, based in Johannesburg has given Plastfree Ocean the rights to sell the "beach buggy" all over the Mediterrenean area and Scandinavia.
The "buggy" is very easy to operate and we expect that you can see us operate it in Andalucia this summer.

Seeking business partners
Malaga City Counsil has contacted us and will help us to find related business partners to our project. First step will be to find companies who are able to recycle the plastic we are picking up from the Ocean and rivers in Andalucia.

Cigarette Butts at the beach.
One of the huge polluters we have seen at the beaches in Malaga is cigarette butts, they are allover and are not picked up. Cigarette butts are filled up with plastic and harms animals seriously when they eat them, believing it is food. We have written to the municipality that we are able to deliver beach ashtrays and they has written us back that they are very interested.

Corona we hate you more than ever , before we were stucked but now we are STUCKED but it will not stop us. December will be used to make a lot of follow up on all cases in Spain. We are more than ready to travel and start up. We will be back in January with exiting news.

Ocean Plastic Forum held a virtual connection builder meeting which we were very happy to participate in . We were lucky to get in contact with Aalborg Harbour with who we discused the possibility to build a pyrolysis plant which purpose will be to transform plastic to recycled diesel fuel from ships, the Westcoast of Jutland and plastic from companies in the area. The pyrolysis plant will at the same time be an exellent possibility to show companies from Spain how the plant works in a time where we don’t have the possibility to build up a plant in Andalucia/Spain. Aalborg Harbour will spend the next month or to to decide if our pyrolysis plant is a solution they will choose.

Yes ! After a lot of mails to Junta de Andalucia and Municipal office in Almeria with no response, we got a mail from The Ministry of foreign affairs of Denmark. They has assessed that our project is so important for Andalucia that we will be supported with help to get in touch with huge companies who are responsible for the plastic pollution and recycling companies who could be interested in buing plastic from us.

We had big plans to install the first pyrolysis plant in Almeria which could turn poor plastic to energy.
but travelling restriction stopped us temporarily and we had to re-think our possibilities. After some coffee meetings we decided to contact “Stromma”, the company who runs the harbour tour in the Copenhagen channels. Our suggestion to them was to install a pyrolysis plant and turn plastic from the Copenhagen channels to re-cycled diesel fuel which could run there boats and “Hop on Hop of busses” in Copenhagen. Ufortunately they wastn’t convinced about our suggestion. We are moving on and will find another potential costumer.

We are back in Copenhagen after an fantastic and surpricing trip.
We knew that we would meet a lot of plastic but after 2 days trip to Almeria throug “Plástico de Mar” , we were supriced to experience that the pollution is that serious. Whereever your are looking the plastic is everywhere and it seems that nobody cares about it. Unfortunately it isn’t only in “Plástico de Mar”, which has huge problems with plastic pollution. Being at one of the beaches at Malaga also made us sad. Our next step will be to contact the Spanish Embassy in Madrid to have a dialoque with them, if they will support us in our process.

We will stay in Malaga nearly a month the first time and we will have a lot of work to do. It is our plan to talk with local boatmen, local workers and fishermen about helping us in our mission to pull up plastic and trash from the Mediterrenean Ocean, at the beaches and from rivers. Next we are going to Almeria to the huge area “Plast de Mar”. We know that they are having huge troubles with plastic from greenhouses and a lot of very poor quality plastic which unfortunately ends up in the ocean. Hopefully we will meet some from the different companies who will be interested in cooperating with us to solve the plastic problems in the area

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